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raising kids

Outsmarting Temper Tantrums

  • Dr. Allie and Miss Barbara
  • Parenting
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The screaming, the crying, the kicking, the yelling. No matter where a tantrum occurs…in the privacy of your home or in public…these behaviors are frustrating and stressful for parents! Tantrums are one of the most common childhood behavioral concerns. Even the most well-behaved and well-regulated child is likely to exhibit some level of tantrums from...

Benefits of Family Time for Kids

  • Dr. Allie and Miss Barbara
  • Parenting
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For many children, this past year has brought extra time spent with family. As a parent, I have found myself worrying that my child is missing out on socialization time with peers and critical opportunities for learning how to function in the community around him. It doesn’t matter if you are sending your children to...

Why Should I Care About Self-Care?

  • Dr. Allie and Miss Barbara
  • Parenting, Self-care
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If you’re anything like us, self-care often falls at the end of our to-do list. We find ourselves saying, “If we get all of these tasks done, we will sit down and relax.” Not only that, but if we are lucky enough to make it through our to-do list, we seem to always find another...

Our Story

  • Dr. Allie and Miss Barbara
  • Get to Know Us!
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We love kids. We love raising them. We love teaching them. We love helping them. We love inspiring them. And what’s more…we believe in our kids! We know they are the future of our world. We have the privilege of guiding them to be the best version of themselves and creating pathways for them to...
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